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Cărţi şi capitole în cărţiVrînceanu N-O, Motelica D-M, Dumitru M, Gament E, 2010, Comportarea unor metale în sistemul sol-plantă, Ed. Solness, Timisoara, ISBN 978-973-729-229-2 Iordache Virgil, Lacatusu Radu, Daniel Scradeanu, Marilena Onete, Stelian Ion, Ioana Cobzaru, Aurora Neagoe, Florian Bodescu, Denisa Jianu, Dorina Purice, 2012, Contributions to the theoretical foundations of integrated modeling in biogeochemistry and their application in contaminated areas, in Kothe E, Varma A (Eds) Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, Springer Tudoreanu L., Codreanu MD, Crivineanu V, Goran GV, 2011, Modeling heavy metals transport and accumulation in plat-animal systems, Ed. Printech Articole in revistate cotate ISI şi neindexate Fernandez Nava Yolanda, Mihaela Ulmanu, Ildiko Anger, Elena Maranon and Leonor Castrillon, 2011, Use of Granular Bentonite in the Removal of Mercury (II), Cadmium (II) and Lead (II) from Aqueous Solutions", Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 2011, vol. 215, no.1-4, p.239 – 249 Philips CJC, Liliana Tudoreanu, 2010, A model of cadmium accumulation in the liver and kidney of sheep derived from soil and dietary characteristics, J. Sci Food Agric, Marinov M, Pele M, Drăghici EM, Vasile G, Artimon M, 2010, Experimental field research on nitrate balance in agricultural soils, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 135, 181-193, ISBN: 978-1-84564-448-2, ISSN (print): 1746-448X, ISSN(online) 1743-3541 Ulmanu M, Anger I, Gamneti E, Lupu C, 2010, Rapid and Low Cost Determination of Heavy Metals in Soil Using an X – Ray Fluorescence Portable Instrument. Preliminary tests, Buletinul Universităţii de Petrol – Gaze din Ploieşti, Seria TEHNICĂ, volumul LXII. No.3A/2010, 155 – 161 Crivineanu V, Goran GV, Tudoreanu L, Bianu E, Dumitrean L, 2009, Mineral contet and heavy metals contamination of some Romanian diary products, Bulletin USAMV Cluj-Napoca, 66, Iordache V, Dumitru M, Estimation of the balance of heavy metals in Romanian agro-ecosystems and research directions, Agric Ecosys Environ, in preparation Articole în ISI Proceedings si Proceedings neindexate Iordache V, Dumitru M, Neagoe A, Sandu R, Bodescu F, Marinoiu L, 2010, Decision support for the management of agrosystems contaminated with metals: research program and preliminary results, in Barbu C-H, Sand C (eds) Modern technologies and biotechnologies for environmental protection, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, ISSN 2068-5610, 83-93 Vasile G, Artimon M, Hălmăjan HV, Pele M, 2010, Survey of nitrogen pollutants in horticultural products and their potential toxic implications, Proceeding of International conference BIOATLAS Braşov, 497-502, ISBN 978-973-598-719-0 Olteanu VG, Badea A, Dana IF, Moise C, Jivanescu IE, Poenaru VD, 2009, Change detection in land cover GIS databases. LCCS and CLC, Annals of DAADm for 2009 and Proceedings of the 20th International DAAM Symposium, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, Editor B. Katalinic, DAAM International, Viena, Austria Hălmăjan Horia Victor, Gina Vasile - ”Aspects of crop production technologies in a heavy metal polluted region”, Scientific Papers, UASVM Bucharest, Series A, Vol. LIV, 2011, ISSN 1222-5339. Tudoreanu Liliana, Mario Codreanu, Gheorghe V Goran, Victor Crivineanu PLANT-ANIMAL MODELS FOR HEAVY METALS ACCUMULATION IN AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS. Simpozionul FMVB Iasi 2011. Lucrarii stiintifice Medicina Veterinara .vol 53(12), ISSN 1454-7406 |